Disebabkan sekarang ni mmg tengah rajin menanam anggur dekat rumah, and I thought 'Yeah, why not tell my experience sepanjang berada di Sepang International Circuit'. So, here I go.
Untuk yang tak tahu lagi, I was involved with SIC Merchandise because there is a friend of mine who posted a partime/volunteer vacancy for Formula 1 F1nale on his ig story. He was a staff at SIC Merchandise. During that time, I was so bored at home and mmg takde duit gila. So, I decided ' Yeah. Sure. Why not have a partime job. Seminggu je kerja dia. ' So, I did. I asked for the job.
It was a quite a tough decision. Sebab aku dah boleh agak mesti jadi cashier. Lepastu, kali terakhir aku jadi cashier was back in 2010, I was a cashier at Guardian Saujana Prima. So, that was looooooong ago. Serious dup dap dup dap je rasa untuk buat keputusan. To make me more at ease, aku ajak my friend, Laila to join me for that partime job.
So, we went to the shop the next day for an interview. Pakaian mmg seriously casual nak mampus. Only jeans and blouse. Mmg ah. Jadi cashier je pun. Lek lek je. Kawan aku (which yang staf dekat situ) siap kritik lagi orang orang yang pakai smart smart ya amat for this kind of interview. Haha. Just be casual guys. This is not formal.
Soalan dia pun biasa biasa je weh. Takde pun pasal ekonomi Malaysia. KBKK ke. Kak Mimi (my supervisor) asked me :
1. Boleh ke datang kerja awal awal pagi?
2. Boleh ke balik kerja malam malam?
3. Boleh ke bangun pagi?
4. Duduk mana?
5. Sebelum ni buat apa?
And she told us to read through the rules and regulation (contract kerja), isi borang and sign borang. After that, we are officially hired. Kitorang diminta untuk datang kerja on date yang dia sertakan.
Senang jo. Haha
But then.. Jeng jeng jeng! My first nightmare menjelma! Laila told me yang dia ada interview kerja during that time (waktu start kerja) and dia nak sangat that kerja. So, dia nak sangat go to that interview. And.. me, being a good friend, told her to perform her very best for her interview and just let go of the partime work. And thank god! She got the job! Proud of you, Laila!
So, disinilah aku, keseorangan. *sobs
During my first day of work, aku was like sedih and nervous gila sbb takde kawan. Kena banyak tanya org mintak tolong ajar itu, ajar ini. Haha. Sedih la. Takde kawan. But, masa tu jugak aku belajar utk cari kawan baru. All of them was super friendly and aku berkawan rapat dengan sorang budak ni, her name is Wafi. We just met that day but we just clicked terus.
So, kerja after that was not so awkward. But, first day kerja was so tiring. Penat gila nak mampus sumpah aku tak tipu. Kitorang start pukul 9 but, kitorang habis lewat malam gila, pukul 11 rasanya. Weh. Lama gila. Sumpah lama nak mampus. Aku mmg drained energy gila. Kak Mimi mcm perasan dgn muka aku sampai dia tertanya tanya pasal condition aku.
'Isney okay Isney? Kalau tak okay, ckp tak okay. Kang tiba tiba esok tak dtg kerja pulak kang'
Aku was like 'Har... Har... Harr...okay je.' tapi muka pucat gila and aku mmg terfikir nak lari dari kerja. Hhahahahaha but then, aku terus waras balik and fikir 'I NEED THIS MONEY!' So, aku terus sangkut dengan kerja ni. Haha
Keesokkan harinya, more and more budak datang for kerja. Stock keepers and volunteers from UUM.
Ramai gila kawan aku daripada Semenyih datang kerja kat sini jugak and I was very thankful for that sbb aku boleh jumpa diorang balik. Talked with them. Have fun with them. They all were such a joy. Aku rasa aku seronok sebab aku jumpa kawan kawan lama aku balik time kerja dekat sana. Volunteers from UUM also rajin rajin belaka. We clicked right away and they all pandai buat kerja. So, yeah. We became part of the family.
During our orientation, we were asked to introduce ourselves. Macam biasa, kena ingat nama semua org, nanti Kak Sya (our manager) akan tanya balik siapa nama budak ni, siapa nama budak tu. And, after that, kitorang nyanyi lagu Negaraku sama sama. So, time tu boleh nampak siapa foreigner siapa pendatang tanpa izin. Hahaha
Mcm biasa, kerja mmg sangat memenatkan sebab we always need to wait. Need to wait for stocks to come. Need to wait for this. Need to wait for that. So, menunggu itu yang memenatkan actually. Pishang. Haha. Kerja dia rilek rilek je sebenarnya. Fun. Tapi bab menunggu tu, ya ampun sayang, penat badan akak ni ha.
Aku diberikan job untuk jadi booth cashier dekat K1. So, dekat Sepang ni ada beberapa view. Ada Main Grand Stand (MGS), ada K1, ada C2, ada Paddock. So, aku dapat dekat K1 which is tak jauh pun daripada kedai tu. Just atas bukit je. Aku boleh pergi balik jalan kaki je. My promoter is Fiza, and my stock keeper is Zahid. They were assigned in my team.
During D-Day, kitorang kena datang kerja pukul 7 pagi. Gila awal nak mampus. So, pukul 6 lebih tu dah kena gerak dari rumah. Aku diberikan hotel. So, aku gerak je lah dari hotel. Dekat sikit. Sampai je dekat sana, tak sempat breakfast apa semua, terus gerak ke tempat/booth masing masing. Siapkan booth. Susun susun barang untuk bukak kedai. PC semua kena bukak. Dalam pukul 9.30 gitu lah kitorang ready utk receive customers.
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Ish Kemasnya susun semua barang. Booth siapa lah ni? |
Disebabkan aku dah lama gila tak jadi cashier, cuak dia mmg gila babeng cuak nak mampus. Aku terpaksa belajar dari awal macam mana nak set up the PC, how to scan barang, how to key in the amount, how to multiply barang, how to guna terminal card credit and so on. And semua tu mencabar pada awalnya. Through the end of the day, I gained my momentum on how to be a cashier and benda tu jadi senang je. Kachang! *wink
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Satu bunny liar sesat dalam Sepang |
Tips Seney
1. Semasa supervisor ajar, boleh record semua yang dia cakap/ajar
2. Masa bagi duit baki, check at least 2 kali. Aku check 3 kali kot.
3. Buat sistem, cashier scan barang, promoter boleh letak barang yang disimpan tu dalam plastic bag so that kerja jadi efisien.
4. Don't give the barang kalau money transaction tak habis lagi.
5. Always greet customers even though customers tu jalan je depan kedai kau.
6. Talk to them. They really enjoy people asking questions and conversations.
7. Bertolak ansur. Experiencing Formula 1 is a golden experience. Semua orang nak tengok. So, bertolak ansur. Sorang pergi tengok dulu. Dalam 15 min, jaga kedai and suruh orang lain pi tengok pulak. Gilir gilir macam tu. Janji kena ada orang jaga kedai utk elak agenda agenda kecurian.
8. Don't percaya pada siapa siapa. Kalau nak leave for a moment pun, aku akan click 'User lock" untuk lockkan diri aku so that takde siapa boleh guna sistem melainkan dia masukkan id dia sendiri.
Kebanyakan customers during Formula 1 were foreigners. Speaking in English tu dah mcm wajib gila. Time ni kau dah selalu sangat cakap bahasa inggeris sampai customer malaysia yang cakap melayu pun kau englishkan dia. Hahahahaha.
Customer Melayu datang
Customer Melayu : Dik, topi ni berapa dik?
Isney : Which one? This one? This one is RM70. This one is also RM70 and this one is RM60.
Customer Melayu : Okayy.... nak topi ni satu.
Ya semua. Aku Inggeriskan semua orang.
Ada banyak jugak experience yang unik and susah untuk aku lupakan. Seperti ....
Scene 1
Isney tengah pishang. So, semua org yang lalu depan kedai aku greet.
Isney : 'Hello.' 'Good Morning' 'Morning!!'
Then datang satu mamat ni, masuk dalam booth.
Isney : Yes sir. How can I help you?
Customer 1 : Hello yes. Where is the toilet?
Isney : Yes sir, If you go straight this way and turn left, you'll see a toilet over there.
Customer 1 : Beautiful. Thank you.
Isney : Most welcome. Enjoy the race!
Customer bukan nak beli. Tapi nak tanya toilet da. Bukan dia sorang je tau. Ramai gila yang tanya pasai toilet. Hahahahahaha. So, kitorang ni dah mcm pen-tanya arah jugak ah.
Scene 2
Customer 2 : Hello, do you know where I can find the program?
Fiza : You have to ask the customer service for that.
Customer 2 : Okay. So, how about you get me one of those program, and I give RM400 for that?
Yes. Ada customer yang sanggup bayar beratus ratus untuk kertas tentatif program. Unbelievable kan?
Scene 3
Isney tengah sibuk layan customer and then satu customer datang.
Customer 3 : Hello, so, do you smoke? *tanya dekat aku
Isney : Fortunately, I'm not.
Customer 3 : How can I get some smoke out here?
Isney : *panggil Zahid sbb dia smoke and dia lebih arif pasal hal ni.
Zahid : Hmm. We do not sell cigarettes here. But, if you go to the smoking area, maybe you can find someone who smokes right there. So, if you are lucky, maybe they can give you some cigar for free.
Customer 3: Right. Nice idea man! Thanks
Zahid : Most welcome. Enjoy the race!
Yes. Dia tanya aku smoke ke tidak. Muka smoker ke aku ni? Haha
Scene 4
Bila hujan lebat turun.
Semua orang masuk dalam booth nak tempat perlindungan.
Bila hujan dah reda.
Semua keluar.
Bila panas terik.
Semua masuk booth sbb nak kipas.
Bila dah sejuk sikit.
Semua blah.
Yes. Kami dipergunakan sebegini. Sadis. Haha.
Scene 5
Tengah berborak dengan customer and then, jet lalu betul betul atas kepala.
Time tu kau akan dengar bunyi yang kuat gila nak mati sampai semua sound surround kau mmg kau tak boleh dengar. Aku dengar bunyi bingit je dalam telinga. Berdesing
My ears sting for a second or two.
And that was my first time experience jadi pekak sampai gitu sekali sebab jet lalu.
Maybe sebab the jet lalu dekat gila dengan kita, so mmg kuat gila nak mampus bunyi dia.
So, if you can't use to this, use earplugs guys!
Scene 6
Customer 4 : Can you give me that t shirt in Large. This t shirt in Extra Large and that one in Small. I also want that shirt in Large. How much are them?
Isney : Okay. That would be RM 322, sir.
Customer 4 : RM 322? Quite cheap ay? *sambil keluarkan duit 100 and 50 yang kepuk kepuk banyak nak mampus.
Isney : )(&@#(*@^#*(@)*#@)& *mindblown
Jadi, itu adalah pengalaman pengalaman yang aku jumpa time Formula 1. But, what is my experience watching the race itself?
So, aku tak pernah tengok apa apa race kereta. A total noobie. So, my first to actually watch the game, I would say I got goosebumps all over my body, The race itself was amazing. But, semangat and the love of the people who come from different parts of the world, together in Sepang to watch the F1nale of Formula 1 right here, in Malaysia mmg sumpah INCREDIBLE nak mampus. Aku dapat goosebumps bila setiap kali racer lalu and diorang was cheering, gave standing ovation and melayangkan bendera. The seats were full of people. And everyone was like so immersed with the race and loving the moment sampaikan bila aku tanya " How was the race?" Semua orang cakap "It was amazing. I enjoyed myself " Even though pasukan diorang tak menang pun. Aku rasa diorang just loving the moment they were here.
And semua foreigner mcm felt what a shame lah, kenapa this year the Finale? Kenapa tak sambungkan je. Semua orang suka tengok Formula 1 dekat Malaysia. It's more economical, they love the weather, they love the food and they love the people. So, semua orang cakap dengan aku diorang rasa terkilan kenapa Formula 1 nak ditamatkan at Malaysia.
So, yeah. Goosebumps.
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The view from K1. Worth it every penny. |
At the end of the day. I was lucky to be paired with both Fiza and Zahid. Both of them do their job well. The three of us make a great team. Seriously, I was so proud of the three of us. Banyak barang yang terjual and sells kitorang pun banyak jugak. GOODJOB gais! Seriously, semua ni takkan dipermudahkan kalau aku tak dipair up with dua orang ni. Fiza selalu rajin greet and layan semua customer. Dia pun banyak tolong aku here and there. Zahid did really well in making sure semua stock tak short/dicuri. Dia selalu make sure the booth look pretty and always make us comfortable. Betulkan kipas lah. Betulkan khemah lah. Seriously, u done a good damn job, bro!
So, these are my golden experience during Formula 1 F1nale.
Hope you guys enjoy the read.
Till we meet again in the next post.
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SIC Family |
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Yeay. Budak Seney was here during the last ever, The F1nale of Formula 1 in Malaysia |
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Bye. |